REPUBLISHED FROM IWABOGDANI Poems by ROKIAH BINTI HASHIM December 19, 2021 SITI RUQAIYAH HASHIM(ROKIAH HASHIM). Siti Ruqaiyah Hashim (real name Rokiah Hashim) from Malaysia is a prolifiilm critic, poet and translator. Started writing in 1987 in literature magazines and newspapers. She published a film critic book( 2015), a bi-lingual poetry book titled Catharsis/Katarsis (2015) and Spanish in 2016. Her bi-lingual anthology together with 12 others titled News From Strasbourg was published in 2017, her second bi-lingual World Peace Poem anthology titled Peace Be Upon You Davos was published in 2019 in Zagreb. Her collection of poems were translated and published in Albanian by Ditet E Naimit 2019 titled Rerat E Sri Lavender. She published translations of Shaip Emerllahu’s poems In Bahasa Melayu and English titled Epal Tetovo/Apples of Tetovo in 2019 . In 2020 she translated Jeton Kelmendi’s Love in War Times into Malay Language and publish it in Malaysia. Her books Between St...